
Sunday, 13 March 2011

Japan, I love you

I am devastated for the people of Japan. It's horrible and I can't imagine what they are going through right now. I met a lot of wonderful people from Japan years ago in Paris. Thanks to them I fell in love with their food, kindness,culture, mannerism, politeness, efficiency, creativity and one of my dreams is to visit Japan one day. We had lots of fun together visiting Japanese restaurants, cooking for each other, we laughed, oh, we laughed a lot! They loved my sense of humor and came up with a nickname for me: " la comédienne". When I heard the news about the earthquake and that terrible tsunami I wondered whether my friends were safe. Luckily, they are fine. Houses, fabrics and roads can be built, but so many lives are lost forever that it breaks my heart. I believe in goodness and humanity, I believe that positive thoughts and prayers are much more powerful than earthquakes and tsunamis, I believe that we should all cherish every day spent in good health with our loved ones, I believe we are all citizens of the world, brothers and sisters no matter how many oceans, mountains and miles divide us. We are in this together...let us send our thoughts and prayers to all those lost in this tragic event.